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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Same-Sex Marriages

“President Obama has said he believes that “marriage is between a man and a woman,” but he voted against a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution to ban same-sex marriage as a U.S. Senator, saying the decision should be left up to the states. He said he encourages states to adopt marriage alternatives such as civil unions and domestic partnerships.”

This argument has been ongoing for years now, I believe that we should put it to a rest we have larger issues to be pining over. Presently, there are six states that allow same-sex marriage. Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York and the District of Colombia. Although, same sex couples have gained a wider acceptance within the eight states that have marriage alternatives such as: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State. People still believe gay couples should not be allowed the “traditional marriage”.

I for one think that everyone should be allowed to enter any kind of situation that they believe is appropriate for their relationship. It is not our business whether a woman marries another woman or a man marries another man. I think its great the Obama is leaving these decisions for the states instead of just basing his decision on his morals or what he deems correct. Everyone should be allowed to marry whomever they want. Even if some deem it incorrect.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Metal Detectors in Schools

This is a response to my classmates blog "Keep Texas Loud".

I have to agree with you on this topic, I don’t think that metal detectors will help keep the school system safe. The amount of money that is going to be spent is just unreasonable, even if and when it comes from the government; it is a big deal trying to keep up with the maintenance of things as is. Also, it is impossible like you said to be able to keep students from being harmed outside of school grounds such as the playgrounds etc. It will also as you mentioned make students feel as if they are in a prison, which is something that a parent nor a student would want. It puts a damper on things kids are there to learn not to feel as if they are prisoners and unsafe.
Overall, I believe that it if the metal detectors are not going to benefit anyone in any way then they should not be put up. School officials should just stick to exercising caution to dodge overreaction, the reflex reactions and the pull to put up these types of equipments after incidents that have occurred in other schools to ease parents the community and the media. Doing this may just stir a false sense of security that will potentially rebound on school officials in the long run.