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Friday, October 14, 2011

“5 Good Reasons Why Wall Street Breeds Protesters”

USA Today provides an editorial called “5 Good Reasons Why Wall Street Breeds Protesters” The author’s argument is on how the protesters on Wall Street have a right to be angry. The author agrees that while protesters may be a bit kooky, they have been on the hush since the “bailouts” of 2008. Although, he agrees on how there is no real solution, he states that “. If things do not change soon, Wall Street will have a lot more to worry about than boisterous protesters.” The reasons behind these rampages are the Economic Recession, Bonus Excess, Brain Drain, Too Big to fail, and The Washington Racket. Which are mostly caused by the senseless mortgage loans, the large bonuses being given in this horrible recession. How many entrepreneurs are thrown into these jobs solely focused on trading rather that helping to create jobs for others. Errors are not allowed by any bank company because it would cause too much damage for its leaders. The extensive history of help that they got from the government, and the tax breaks; no wonder banks expect everything to go their way. Obviously the writer is with the protesters, and he is obviously trying to make others see what the real problem is. He gives valid points as well as the different views on the subject. The author makes wonderful points; and makes you believe that there is a reason for every action behind the protests.

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